Consciousleaf No.2: Day Shift

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Consciousleaf No.2:
Day Shift

Top Notes: Yerba Mate, Gotu Kola, Ginko Biloba, Tulsi

An intentional blend of herbs for an uplifting focused shift of clean caffeine in your day.

Such herbs have been used by our ancestors ceremonially for therapeutic and spiritual practices through tea steeping and ritual smoking. 


Steep: 1-2 teaspoons per 8oz of water, use just below boiling water and steep for 3-5 minutes. The longer you steep, the stronger the infusion.

Smoke: Use this to Amplify your current smoking rituals by grinding herbs together, or Alternate into your practice to create balance for a new alternative.

Try adding a pinch of himalayan pink salt, honey and lemon to taste.
Use products consciously and intuitively. 

Calendula ・Yerba Mate ・Lavender ・Gotu kola ・Ginko Biloba ・Mexican Tarragon ・Tulsi ・Nettle・Mullein・Marshmallow Root・Raspberry Leaf・Damiana・Lobelia Leaf・Mugwort・Motherwort・Linden・Scullcap


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